Saturday, April 6, 2013

About my trip to see Roz

For some reason, I thought I posted this already. But I didn't.
I drove down to Seal Beach near LA to see Roz a week ago, and stayed for 3 days. It was very nice. We watched "Lincoln" and "Big Love" and visited on Easter with Morgan and Siobhann. During my stay, Roz convinced me to try egg white protein mix, and I tolerated that much better. With half a banana, it was delicious. We went out shopping on Saturday to a cute little Japanese store that was like a 99cent store, then to the Japanese market next door, where I found rice bran for pickling!

I talked in detail to Roz about all sorts of yucky stuff, and it was very wonderful to be able to do that and not feel like a whiner or like I was being disgusting. Roz talked to me about some of HER yucky stuff, too, and that was actually pleasant. I think it made us feel like we were both on the same team of "people whose insides are now modified".

I got to know Roz's dog, Flori, who is just adorable and recovering well from her own leg surgery.

A very helpful and healing little mini-vacation, for once NOT SCA-related except in a peripheral way.

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