From what he told me, Viscount Gunther gathered his squires and presented Miach the opportunity due to a conviction that someone else would snatch Miach up soon. I kinda suspect that was a distinct possibility.
He's pretty stoked about it, and he went back up to Three Moons again tonight to work on his shield, because he will need it on Thursday when he goes with the squires to the BART practice.
Gunther was the best choice and it's an honor that he actually asked Miach, and honestly it was probably the only way Miach was going to make a choice. I do kind of grieve for the uncertainty and tension of the process, though. It added a lot of drama and intrigue to life, especially when the Misty Knights and Uther joined in.
See, I was right. The end of the beginning and the beginning of something much bigger.
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