So, for the past 2 days I've driven for about 2 hours, sat around for several hours trying to support my daughter in her own medical journey and waiting for my car to be made safe and sound. Today, since I woke up at what seems the ungodly hour (now, after 2 weeks off from work) of 7am, I took an Extreme Nap this afternoon and didn't even pay attention to what time I woke up, but I'd say around 9:30pm or so and now I'm not tired of course.
I had a meal out for the first time! Mike and I both took our cars in, and walked to the little cafe by the repair shop we go to, and Mike had a big breakfast and I nabbed some of his scrambled eggs and had some tea. I forgot that I wasn't supposed to drink with my meal, of course, but what's done is done. I've done better today at getting in the liquids and protein and meals, but I'm still not getting all the liquids I should be and I've discovered that it's REALLY hard to do that if you're out and about. And my normal life, and job, requires me to be out and about. The plan now is to carry a cooler and protein drink, small containers of meal items, and liquids in my car. A SMALL cooler, mind. So the car has to be vacuumed, because I'm crazy that way and it won't seem safe and secure until the inside is clean.
Yesterday, I didn't count on spending as much time as I ended up spending with my daughter. I started the day well, had my breakfast and followed it with the protein drink after 1/2 hour wait. It was too soon for lunch, but a 45 minute drive down to her house and then hours with MD and paperwork filing and picking up my grandkid at school and presto -- suddenly it's dinner time, and I didn't have lunch OR afternoon protein. I did manage to drink a lot of Crystal Lite Lemonade, though, which isn't bad stuff. So I tried to cram all of lunch, dinner, protein x 2 into about 4 hours and went to bed feeling very full and knowing that this was not an ideal situation and I need to be more aware of these things.
And finally, a major snafu has occurred with my EDD paperwork. This evidently happened because the EDD switched to an electronic reporting system less than a week before my claim was filed, and this made the forms my employer gave me in their disability leave packet obsolete and now I have to file electronically AND hope that my surgeon's office can do their part of the documentation online as well. It seems like a streamlined process, and will probably take a lot of the hassle out of filing these claims, but it's really unfortunate for me in the timing of my surgery and of course there was no way that I or my surgeon could possibly have known about this at the time of scheduling. My employer, who is a major employer in our region, didn't even know. I know that eventually I will get the disability I'm owed, but it's going to make the rest of my leave very tight. I'm thankful that I made the decision to pay bills in advance by using my tax refund, but that's only going to carry me until the first week of April. And April is going to be a high-stress month anyway, due to our flying to Florida for Mike's friend's wedding and my return to work.
So, tomorrow I can't just sit home and enjoy what is likely the last rainy weather of winter. I've got to register my disability claim online (which I can only do between 6 am and 6 pm for some reason) and then call my MD office and see if they need me to bring the returned forms back to them or they can just use my claim number to update my claim online, as per the EDD's instructions (which also require that they register, but I'm assuming they'll have to do this soon if they haven't already, anyway).
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